Catherine Hunter · Fiction
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When Wendy Li finds herself floating above the trees and bridges of her home town, she suspects she's been murdered by her husband's jealous ex-lover, Evelyn. In her weightless, invisible state, Wendy finds it easy to spy on Evelyn, but she is unable to communicate anything she witnesses to the police detective, who has a very different theory about the case. Lonely, thirsty, and dying for a smoke, Wendy fears that Evelyn will never be brought to justice.
“a Canadian, literary, supernatural, murder mystery psycho-thriller … Hunter has a knack for using language that jumps off the page onto your skin and into your ears … an engaging and suspenseful read.”
Fast Forward Weekly, Calgary
“Reserve a spot on your 2003 reading list for Catherine Hunter's newest novel…. On the surface, it works well as a mystery … [but it is] at its most intriguing at deeper levels. On the spiritual one, it is a soothing glimpse into the transition between life and death; a hint of how one might view the world as one is leaving it. It gives calming reassurance that we are all redeemable, and if one's beliefs permit, recyclable. Sections of the book devoted to Wendy in her altered state are beautifully written.”
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